First Temple Communications

After graduating in May 2020, I applied for the new opening for a Communications Director at First Baptist Temple, Texas. Until June 2022, I worked in this position where I oversaw social media, visual design, print work, web design and management, and other aspects of publicity and marketing for the church.

See below for a peek into a small portion of this work!

Curating our Feed

For every new sermon series we went through as a church, I would create graphics and cover photos to help our Instagram feed appear cohesive and on theme. Examples below.

Instagram Reels

Over my time as Communications Director, I also ended up taking over a lot of the video work. Below are some short form videos I created that were posted as Instagram Reels.

Sermon Videos

Toward the end of my time at First Temple, I also took on creation of the introductory videos that went along with each new sermon series. These were usually abstract or conceptual artistic pieces that fit the theme of the series.

Intro video for “You are Here” series. Footage captured and edited by me.

Intro video for “Sons and Daughters” series. Illustrated and animated by me.

Intro video for Easter series. Footage captured and edited by me.

Intro video for Christmas series. Designed and edited by me.

Designing Social Posts

I created multiple social graphics weekly to encourage, add to a sermon series, or advertise an event or group to join. I am fluent in Adobe Creative Cloud and Procreate, and used these programs to create these designs.

